Farthest North GhostBusters Inc.


Our proton packs are fully functional. Let me identify the proton packs by saying that they deal with PROTONS, not electrons. The difference is that protons have a greater mass, corresponding to a greater disrupting power. The proton packs that we have weigh a bit more then the electron packs. If you'd like to see the plans we used for this pack, go HERE.


The electron packs are simular to the proton packs. The major differences are: a) Weigh less and b) Have a worse chance of not working due to their smaller mass. We usually use these when we're in a more confined or an open, where we need to run, type of area.If you'd like to see the plans we used for this pack, go HERE.


Our ghost trap is where we can temporarily keep the ghosts when we catch them. It's made out of a metal casing, which is ilned with rubber on the inside. Then, there is a smaller metal box inside that projects protons or electrons--pending on what it's set to at the time. The smaller box is charged with either protons or electrons so the captured spook doesn't get away. I'm sorry, but we can't give these plans away. I'm sure you can think of plans yourself...we did.


Our PKE Meter doesn't only moniter psi-kinetic energy, it also moniters: temperature, EMF (Radiation), and pressure. We also slapped on a compass. It works by monitering alpha waves. Alpha waves are those between 7.5 and thirteen(13) waves per second (Hz). Alpha is usually best seen in the posterior regions of the head on each side, being higher in amplitude on the dominant side. It is brought out by closing the eyes and by relaxation, and abolished by eye opening or alerting by any mechanism ( thinking, calculating). It is the major rhythm seen in normal relaxed adults - it is present during most of life especially beyond the thirteenth year when it dominates the resting tracing.
A side from monitering just alpha waves, it scans for any waves that are out of the ordinary. If it picks something up, it's registering psi-kinetic energy. Psi-kinetic energy is where the human brain, or paranormal beings, radiate bizaar wave patterns from what is normal at that time. This is one of our most useful tools for finding ghosts.HERE


As it is, we use our own personal cars. You can identify us by the ghostbuster logo we keep on the front and back bumper/window of our cars.


We have special fire retardent uniforms. The suits aren't anything really special, but we feel they should be mentioned. They have a lot of cool pockets and they were somewhat cheap. We also have utility belts that come in handy. We always wear boots with our uniforms, unless they're at the shop being repaired. Gloves, elbow/knee pads, and flashlights are a must too.


We use a Class 2 PKE Meter and a Class 1 EMF Detector.