Farthest North GhostBusters Inc.

1998 Articles

Ghostbuster Business For The Alaskan Region

Watch out ghosts, spectres, and you paranormal phenomenons, a new business is heading our way. That's right, Ghostbuster Central--Alaska Division. It will be open by September 15, 1998 in North Pole, Alaska. Founded by Jessie Desmond, a local resident.

Jessie Desmond and her partner Lizzy Nanto are the two Ghostbusters at the job. They collect evidence from ghost sights, research and record the ghost sightings, and of course bust the ghosts in the process. Jessie has established herself as a Phenomenal Researcher and Scientist. Lizzy has established herself a Spectre Physiologist and Historian.

The Ghostbusters--Alaskan Division, will be open 24 hours to serve all your ghostbusting needs. They urge you not to hide your ghost problems, but to call in so they can be taken care of by professionals.
[Fairbanks Daily News Miner. September 13, 1998. B3]

New Member, More Busts

Ever since the Ghostbusters have placed an office in Alaska, there have been more sightings. To deal with all of the sightings, new member, David Gutbrod is on the case. His first bust was the Clermont Case.

The Clermont Case is named after the family, the Clermonts. They reportedly had a full body apparation appear many times in their brand new garage. The family claimed that it was purple tinted and translucent. It was reported bashing in the families car.

The Ghostbusters got their just in time. The family had just moved their car out of the garage and now the ghost was starting fires. The Ghostbusters turned their packs on and captured the ghost in one of their legendary ghost traps. Minimal damage was done.

[Fairbanks Daily News Miner. October 17, 1998. B2]

Halloween Capers

It's Halloween and everyone is out to get scared and have a good time. Everyone that is, except the Ghostbusters who happen to be busy. That's right. Ghostbusters. Along with their new 4th member, Chris Kerr, they headed to at least five places Halloween night.

Their first call was from the Captain Bartlett Inn, off of Airport Road. There was a report of a full torso apparation in the hall off of the main lobby. Ghostbuster, David Gutbrod, found that a vending machine was apparently acting up. Not much effort was taken to put the ghost away. They were said to have come in and out within 10 minutes.

Their second call was from Lamonts. The Ghostbusters checked it out, but found nothing on both levels of the store. It was only a childish prank.

Next was Carr's Foodland, a local grocery market. By this time, word had gotten around that they were out. They were immediately greeted by customers and workers at the store. They were directed to the fruit section where the limes and tangerines were having some trouble. Two free floating apparations were making juice out of the fruit. The ghostbusters handled them within twenty minutes or so.

"It's fun, it really is," Lizzy Nanto, Ghostbuster, said. Her teammates agree and also reply, "It's hard work, but it's the coolest job. We've handled a lot of things in this month: full torsos. free floaters, and full body apparations."

The fourth and fifth area that they went to handle were nothing but prank calls at two radio stations, KCBF and KXLR. They scanned the area, but found nothing. Disappointed with that, they said that they went back to their headquarters and never recieved any more calls that night.
[Fairbanks Daily News Miner. November 1, 1998. B2]

What Spooks May Come

It's almost Christmas, only eight days left. I'm sure those Ghostbusters are tired out, they've had a large case to deal with. Apparantly, a ghost was acting like Santa, except delivering only evil gifts.

"We'll get this spook. He'll not ruin _my_ Christmas!" Kerr replies enthusiastically. It seems as though the whole team was in good spirits, even with the ghost around.

The Christmas Ghost was said to have looked like a small, very bony, gray looking man with pointed ears. He was wearing a Santa hat and coat, and carrying a large bag full of evil gifts. The Ghostbusters and witnesses both claim that this ghost is pretty ugly and will scare almost anyone.

"After about two days of figuring this guy out and chasing him, we finially caught him at a local resident's house. This guy made a huge mess!" Nanto replied. "I'm glad I didn't have to clean it up."

The ghost was apprehended with some difficulty, making the team get bruises and one sprained ankle. The family of the residential home and the team recalled a dreadful scream come from the spook as the sucked him into their ghost trap.
"Even though I got a sprained ankle, I still feel as though this case helped us. It helped by showing us that there are some really powerful and tricky ghosts out there" Desmond replied. "And for the sprained ankle, well I just fell down the stairs, that's all. I'm fine, like to beat the crap out of the ghost, but I'm fine."

"This is so cool! I know my family doesn't particullarly like this profession, but I love it!" Kerr said happily. "Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah!"

"Ghostbusters ROCK!" Nanto and Gutbrod yelled out to the street. All is well for now in the Alaskan region.
[Fairbanks Daily News Miner. December 17, 1998. A4]